Finally, i and Cellie arrive in Alice Springs, after 3 days driving. From Melbourne to Adelaide, from Adelaide to Cooper Pedy, and to our starting point of our adventure. It was a beautiful drive, no worries with the car, smooth as i could be, it even survived a close encounter with a kangaroo. A lot of eagles around , waiting on the road as they played "chicken and run" with your car when you approach them. So i had a few times , almost another close encounter.
Alice Springs, 4 august 2006, mmmh, where we gonna sleep? Finding a place to stay with a dog, not so easy. We finally found a caravan park, dogs allowed. So , we settle down . Put the tent up, have a few beers, and enjoy the screaming galas flying over our heads.
The freezing morning after, yes , it freezes in the morning in the middle of the dessert, who would expect that. Not me and cellie. Alright lets makes some plans, finding a house, paperwork, getting a drivers license, getting everything organised for the moment Sara would arrive.
Getting to know some Aussies at the caravan park at night with some beers.
We have a month and a half, should be alright. F##k no, it`s almost impossible to rent a house without references, without a job, without a address, that's why i wanna rent a house in the first place. And a dog in a rental, oh my god. After a lot of struggle , a few lovely smiles, it`s a good thing all the administration is done by woman, otherwise i would be still on that camping ground.

So , we found ourselves a house, big house, the only house that was available, and we were just in time. Another few days and Sara would arrive here in Alice. Perfect, our big adventure could start, finally.
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