yep, 5 July, i`m here now for two years. I celebrated it on fire cracker night the fourth. I blew up 260 aud together with my brother. We went to the river, and shaked the town awake with some firework.
I went for a drink in bojangles, where i would met Sylvie, she was travelling around Aussie country together with Sara. It was her last night here. It was good to see Sylvie again, it was almost that i flew back in time, drinking with her and Sara. But that`s just a strange twist in my mind, because there was a great difference.
This month stands in the sign of administration. My passport is running out, so time to get a new

one. I`m here for 2 year, so i can ask for citizenship. And the divorce papers had to be done. It`s the NT-time , they call it. Not today, not tomorrow, not Tuesdie, not Thursdie. So there are just 2 work days left on a week. So i managed to do none of those papers, but we getting there. I have an appointment to do the test for citizenship, i have to study who was the best cricket player, the horse that won legendary races, national flora emblem, and all the useful things you need to know to get trough life. My passport, that's a story about Pontius and Pilatus, and a third guy, who`s name i still try to get. But we getting there. The divorce, what would you expect, still waiting for papers that need to be translated, but we getting there. It`s a good thing

we live in an Internet communication world, where you have to do everything with the post.
This month i had also the crazy idea to put my private life on a blog, to relive everything i went trough the last 2 years. But it`s nice to read all the comments on the blog, so i decided to continue bothering you with my boring stories.
Excuse me for my cynical writing, i just came back from a bushtrip, from Yulara again, had even to work on my birthday, 40 years, time to get into my midlife crisis. But the sun was with me. She gave me the most beautiful sunrise that day.
I didn`t even had the chance to celebrate my special day, but one day i will have my revenge and it will be sweet.
1 comment:
Hoi Hans , fantastisch idee van je dat we zo een beetje je leven daar kunnen volgen , het moet daar prachtig zijn in aussie. Ook wim en ik zijn 40 geworden en hebben het nog niet gevierd !! in iedergeval nen dikke proficiat voor je verjaardag !.
Met ons gaat alles zijn gewone gangetje, inneke gaat in sept. al naar het 1ste studiejaar en voor de rest gaat onze vrije tijd nog steeds naar de afwerking van ons huis .Ja,ja een jaartje is rap om hé, allé het ga je daar goed en ik blijf zeker je blog volgen .
Veel liefs en dikke kus van Marleen,Wim en Inneke
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