Damned , i’m still alive. The world is still existing. The end will be for another day. I just hibernated to survive the end, and now i have to update my blog. Months are passed. So lots to write about.
I’m back in my little castle of two by two. Back in the land of Oz after those endless flights. Straight back to work. No time for jet lag.
It was a time to put things in perspective. The job was pretty relaxing , just 8 hour days of work. A lot of spare time. Time to think and time to do other things then going to work.
Euralia needed electricity , water and gas. The first plans were made . After a hot day at work, at night i was living in a farm in Belgium. Walking trough the house turning lights on and off, taking a bath , cooking . An imaginary activity and slowly all my light switches and power contacts, the taps and toilets, were getting there correct place. The next step of making Euralia habitable could start.

It was really very calm at the workshop. Walking around and fucking the dog . Times were changing in a town called Alice Springs. The town known as a community depending only on each other because there isolating and remoteness is slowly disappearing. Alice was becoming part of the big country. Safety and quality standard are becoming big issues.The time to be an adult in a work environment is gone. For everything you do, there need to be a job safety analyse. It takes you an hour to dress up with safety gear to do a job ,earplugs, safety glasses, double shield protection, long paints, rigger gloves, steel boots.etc. Soon we ll have to fill a safety sheet to take a piss. Yep, freedom to be a man , responsible for his own stupid fuck ups is gone. We all are becoming children of a higher institution.
But hè , i’m on the bush team. Once on the road, and the bitumen changes to that beautiful red dirt, and the horizon fills up with just only scrub and distance, i become that man again. The freedom to get a welding flash, or to burn yourself , or even to brake a leg becomes mine again.
But it’s very quite, to quite. Time to pick up an old passion . Time to express myself in artistic ways. To let my unconscious do the talking. My frustration about safety and dictation.
So i started drawing again. In the early mornings my pencil was the only thing that was talking. It took me a while to get back into it. Bodies were malformed, to long legs, arms to short, or they look like they had a work accident while not following the safety rules.
I managed after a while to create something that looked like a human body. The days were passing, and my drawings were getting better. My walls started to look like an exposition
It was silent , on all fronts. Days were just passing by. It was a silence before the storm.