The relaxing days are over. We are running from one job to the other. Wondering which day we are in , and what time it is.
First ,it all started with a job in the workshop. Manufacturing the steelwork from a big building with a deadline is something the Alice is not used too. The saying, from the NT, not today, not tomorrow, not Tuesday and not Thursday didn,t work this time. The workshop was running around the clock, and i was one of the guys, that was so wise to volunteer. No more playing with naked bodies on paper . No more imaginary night walks in Euralia.
Two weeks just flew by, waking up , working, sleeping, waking up, working, sleeping. Those were the only activities my body was able to do. But we made the deadline. An unique evenement in the long history of the relaxing town in the middle of the dessert.

Thanks to our effort in Tenant creek, the bush team didn’t had time to celebrate. Up to the next trip. A gen set install somewhere in the dessert, i can’t even remember how the place was called. It all becomes a blur.I wonder if it`s caused by my working rythm or the fact thatt i have a few years standing on my name.
Having a joyride in a box while going up with the crane hook, while marvelling about the wideness of the outback. History markers of times long gone, just standing there in the force of nature. waiting to disappear from history. And sometimes when those markers are lucky, a noble soul rescue them to bring back there former glory. Anyway , they Will have a go at it.
Driving the endless Stuart Highway , having a break at the remote roadhouse where life is still untouched by the invading society. Where life is not ruled by extreme safety conditions and behavior codes so we not accidentally are accused from sexual harassment and racism.
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