Return to Alice
Wauw, time is running double speed.
I returned to Alice a few months back now and i still didn’t had the time to tell a story.
So here we go.

Once upon a time there was a traveller sitting in a plane , waiting till the wheels of the plane touches ground. Waiting to start a different life style , a life style he already experienced before.
But it was first time to have a break , a time out , a breather. Just having nothing on his mind then the beauty of the landscape and company of an old dear friend.
It were precious times, walking , laying, drinking , talking and admiring the surroundings and not having the constant pressure of financial and personal thoughts . But he knew those times always come to an end.

The plane touches the ground another time, Alice, home base . With one bag and swag on the back, heading to the work office . A good thing he knew things in Alice always have a way to turn out unexpected. The unit wasn’t ready yet. His home base for the next years was still in process of developing . First things first, a place to sleep, was the priority for the day. A phone call and i could stay at a friends place , bunking with the swag till i could move in the unit . It was nice to catch up again. In a way time has stood still, sitting back on an old wooden table slurping my favourite drink, but time did had an impact on life. Things weren't the same anymore, broken relations, friends were gone and friends were back . It was the same world but with an different interface.
The week just went by, subscriptions everywhere, but all done in a few days , not as in previous experiences in a previous country that it can take up to months and a lot of k’s driving to get official paperwork organized. I forgot that it can be so easy to get the administration of a life official and all done in a few days.

It was good to be back, and it was almost as nature wanted to acclimatise my return. The weather was the same as when i stepped on the plane a few days before. Rainy , grey and chilly only the view of the surroundings was different. A stretch of 500 k’s of pure and untouched nature around you, the company of wildlife during day and night time .
The first weeks were just a period of organizing and moving from one temporally place to another. I was gonna bunk in the garage shed with private facilities at the place from an old bush work comrade , the first bush job that i ever did with, ten years ago. Amazing , the first time i set foot in Australia is been ten years ago. And so much is happened and changed during this decade of my life.
You start wondering if the next decade will have the same unexpected changes as the one before.
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