Palm valley
The outback , first time since my arrival in the land of Oz i was going bush. We had to upgrade a fuel storage at the rangers station. Truck was loaded and we hit the road. After a few K’s the tyers were bouncing on the dirt again, the steel on the tray of the truck was bouncing in every direction. What a great feeling. Seeing the dirt road stretch for miles, nothing else to see as wild nature and wildlife. So much to see while the truck was leaving a red dust cloud behind him.

We arrived at palm valley , after a drive of a few hours. The ranger station , a few houses , generator surrounded by ranges. And most important thing , a night bar . A place to have a drink , build bit by bit during years by rangers who came and went. Unbelievable how big the imagination and creativity of people are in places where there are no ikea’s, bunnings or k-mark’s. Chairs made out of car parts taken out of the burned cars of the locals, tables out of parts left over from contractors who did a job there. Interior decoration left behind by nature. The place just felt alive, you could feel the ranger hitting his dumb while trying to nail the door parts together. you could feel the ranger cursing that the door he made didn’t fit in the portal. you could feel the ranger hitting his other dumb trying to force the door into the frame.

At night , after a days work, the first thing you notice is the silence, no mechanical disturbance during night hours. No cars doing wheelies , no neighbour testing his new bought stereo installation, no guy struggling with his midlife crises testing his new exhaust of his Harley. But the strange thing is after the silence , noises are coming all around you. The gentle breeze trough the bushes, almost like the leaves telling you a secret story. Hidden little creatures singing their love story to you. At distances further away bigger animals occasionally warn there surroundings to shut up , telling them they are sick of hearing the secrets and love stories ,time and time over again.It’s a shame my photographic talents are not so developed , that i can’t share this magnificent view with you. A view that makes you silent, a view that brings your spiritual side out.

When you look up in bush at night time, the sky is alive. A living canvas of stars , meteorites, shooting stars and satellites . You can’t stop looking, dreaming , searching for something, maybe a place or life where things were different, maybe a world where violence doesn’t exist. maybe a world where you drive around in a Lamborghini on a highway with unlimited speed, maybe a place where politicians get the same pay as you do and where stealing is really considered as a crime, or maybe , just maybe you are looking for that flying object full of female extra-terrestrials that abduct you and gonna make all your dreams real.
But we had a job to do, the fuel storage had to be upgraded, that’s what we are here for. Not to day or night dream about my fantasies. This is the real world.
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