Back in Melbourne waiting to fly back in time again.
Starts to feel like I'm pending between Australia and Europe. Waiting to be reunited and to end the 12 week countdown. I would see my rainbow again. I couldn't wait to move on. It's gonna be a long flight, that was for sure. Having no idea how long it really gonna be. Still in Melbourne, sitting in a plan on the runway completely under water. And having a connected flight doesn't really relax you. Damned, my nerves are tested by some higher force . It's not really ideal , having a 11 hour flight delayed for an hour with only an hour of spare time between the connected flight.
Again counting the hours, I'm counting twice now. Reunion count and connecting count. No worries, i 'm gonna make it. Fuck, i fucking just not fucking gonna make it. All right, almost there, still time. Come on ,stupid cunts, drop the plan and let me get on the other plane. Good thing, i landed in the emirates. i don't think they would admire my language use. Okay, a few minutes more, where is the fucking gate? I felt warm and uneasy, what was happening. Ohh yeah, i remember, stress was taking control. There is the gate, but an other destination was on the board. Gates are closed to Brussels 9 fucking minutes ago. All right, all good, what are my options ,no good idea to kidnap a plane in a Muslim region, maybe a phone call to my waiting rainbow that I'm been involuntary delayed somewhere in the middle of our reunion. What the fuck, no connection on my phone. Lets get ancient and find a wall with a phone hanging on. But try to make a phone call where the manual is written in lines and dots. What did i say, oh yeah, a good thing i was in an Arabic country. To the flight information desk and see what they are up too. Not to bad ,
i could fly to another country in an hour.
Up to Copenhagen and from there to Brussels. Another 12 hours counting to arrive in another strange language. The good thing is i learned to use the technology of an airplane seat on it's fullest. Sending an e-mail and Sims trough that white box that's connected with an annoying spring to the seat . All was going well and in a few hours i would drink tax free pink moët bubbles with my missing part of my heart. Just going trough customs and fly to Zaventem and no more counting. What i didn't know that customs in Copenhagen were gathering stuff for there private New Years party. After typical abuse of the wonderful invention called language, i was able to pass trough customs and with a lot of pain leaving behind the pink moët. Belgium, Brussels,Zaventem, rainbow, finally i thought while waiting to see my luggage coming out that black hole. 6, 13, 18 minutes, mmmmhhh, i was counting again. No fucking way, no fucking bag. I couldn't' care anymore. even if they stripped me completely at customs, then i would see my rainbow naked ,nothing could stop me from that.
Here i was again, in the Netherlands. recovering from the drop in temperature. A drop of 32 degrees. Survived crocs, snakes , dingos and all kind of living creatures but i was not counting on the strange European bacterias. So they hit me time after time till i could manage those little tiny buggers. Probably because i decide to collect some decent clothing that fits more in the time of the year.
So i already spend three months in Europe. And i am back in Australia. It seems i have never been away. I spend most of my time in designing little stereotypes , that one day will be made.Dreaming about working in my own house , while the dog is snoring in the background.And once and a while i did really physical work. Working at the terrace of my sister, that slowly takes form.
Living together doesn`t seem to be easy, getting used to each other in the same house. And especially with somebody walking around with the same orange outfit day by day . But we managed me and Bianca, Mika and Zoe. Days were flying by while i was hoping that the snow would fall. It was cold enough , that was for sure. Even that cold that the eleven city trip in Holland became a daily subject on the news . I even had the chance to walk on ice while my ears almost fell off from the ice cold wind. But it was ice cold fun.
We also went for a weekend trip to one of the holiday parks with gliding pipes . A relaxing weekend playing in the water while the main gliding water pipe was closed for maintenance. Breaking some lights in the 1.65 m high dream chalet while making up the bed in a room of 1 square meter where the bed floods caused from the water from the shower next door. But yeah, it was a relaxing weekend.
And yes, finally. White featherlight stuff was falling from the sky. So bad that it caused a 1600 k`s traffic problem on the highway one day. But who care, it was been 6 years ago since i have seen a white carpet forming on the landscape. I reckon i was probably the only one with a big smile on my face that moment. Beautiful.
It was a relaxing and learn full time in Europe. It seems that plans made up in the past not always take shape in the present, but are just a cause to make other plans. Choices had to be made. But like always , choices are formed in time. It was a period of self reflection. What do i really want? What do i find most important in life? What and who do i care for? How do i see my future? What makes me happy? What about the future?
A lot of questions have been answered. And the orange light has finally changed to green , and i`m heading in an another direction in life. I `m following a different branch of my own chaotic life tree.
1 comment:
hallo H, dit lijkt me toch wat een duister,chaotisch, verwarrend en helemaal niet duidelijk verslag !Maar zolang jij je weg en richting niet verliest, is het goed.Groetjes, Linda
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