This time it was my turn to drop Bianca and the kids off at the airport.They were heaving a break for a week to Spain.
This time i was the one that felt going to a funeral. Driving to my sisters place who would drop me off the next day at another funeral ,airport direction Aussie land. Putting 16000 k`s between feelings.
What a flight it has been. Just sitting on a seat with a brain that is running on over time. A head full of plans , a head full of fears. Saying good bye to love ones and a love one is never easy. It feels like you abandoning them. It was the first time i stepped on a plane and was wondering what the fuck i was doing. But live or faith, no matter how you wanna call it, has a certain way of controlling your actions.
I landed a few days after. empty and disorientated, what would you expect after a rise of 50 degrees in temperature. It was hard getting over the jet lag this time. It was hard to get over my feelings. But i have a plan. I have hope. I have a goal.I have a dream.
It was a new beginning no matter where it`s gonna bring me. Just a few days to adjust at the time difference , i`m back fully operational. Working most of the times out bush. Yulara, willowra, epenera and strange names you even can`t pronounce, let`s say even write down. I have become a work alcoholic instead of nomad. Doing 10 , 11 hours a day. sleeping in shifts of three four hours. But i feel good with it. I`m still wondering if i have problems with my jet lag. Or is it the adrenaline of having a plan. a dream.
So i installed myself in a little donga from work, a room of 3 by 3. A bed and a computer table. All my stuff, divided in the car and the room. Most of the time , i`m away anyway. Driving around in a green outback doing work in remote places. I`m living with my work now ,missing the warm nights in the arms of a loved one.
The weather feels my feelings. The rain is coming down in buckets and the sun shines and heats the earth up to 35 degrees. What makes the outback a spectacular view to look at.
Working and organising my plan are taking most of my time. What is that fucking plan now that i`m talking about? Well. i`m gonna leave you readers still guessing. I`m working at the plan. And once the plan is started it will be a whole other chapter in my blog. It will be surprising for some and for some it will be not.
It`s a unknown future, but one i`m willing to walk. And if i succeed it will be a dream that i always dreamed off.
It`s the rise of a new dawn.
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