Winter is here

Three days to go. Counting down the cold days. Now i remember why i always fly back in the summer to my little farm. I’m like a bird, just following the heat.
The last month the company is working at an install of four camps of 160 people. And all with a time limit. A hectic job.
One donga multiplied by 125. And a donga exist out of four rooms. So that ’s around 500 rooms, not included kitchen, offices, and recreation rooms. Yep, those camps have everything, even satellite and free netflix., pool table, fitness centre.
The last months there was no difference between the days. A Saturday was the same as a Tuesday and a Sunday was the same as a Thursday, or did i mixed it up here, i don’t know it anymore. A day was just a working day. One after the other one. A lot of repetitive work, a bracket has to be made for the air cons. to hold them in their place during the transport. But one donga needed 4 brackets, one individual A/C per room. so i’m not gonna calculate how many brackets i made and installed. i rather sooner forget that number. Hooks to hang the electrical wire on the outside of the building. But again multiplied by the amount of the donga’s.
And let’s talk about the shit that flows trough 4 camp of 160 people. A lot of shit boxes needed to be keep the shit flowing trough the camp.Simply said, The shit flows to a box where a pump pushes it to a another bigger box and then to another container where it’s been recycled and filtered. I never had an idea how complicated it all is when i had a shit myself. The distance that shit travels before it ends up as waste is unbelievable . The shit science is nothing to laugh about.
Day after days just passes by , getting colder and colder, while in Europe a heat wave started. I was more worried about the drought in Europe , will my plants survive then about the efficiency of the shit boxes.
During all those hours i still had the change to upgrade from a little forklift to a bigger one. from this day on i’m capable of moving buildings around with a 7 ton forklift. My so well known forklift seems like a little kids toy now.
And slowly my departure day comes closer. My bag is already made. but there are still a few long days to go.
And finally that day arrived that i could step on that plane direction Euralia.
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