The cross
Damned, i’m trying to catch up with time. Time just goes so fast. My blog is been silent for a while now. Even old and new year are a memory somewhere in the back of my mind.
Where do i start to catch up with time.

Another bush job , a religious one this time. They called it the million dollar cross. Up a hill , the aboriginal community wanna place a cross of 20 metres high looking over the emptiness of the beautiful outback.
But to get the material on top of the hill , there need to be a track. So that’s the first thing we have to do. Building a track , starting from ground level . I felt as a pioneer, conquering new ground. Building a road to the future. A road to spiritual guidance.
But it didn’t felt spiritual. Drilling post holes in rock is not a spiritual thing. Covered and splat with hot oil from a drill that tries to get trough solid rock. Going 1 cm deep every 5 minutes. But the pioneer in me was stubborn, so i never gave up on the holes or track. And slowly a track was forming to the top of the hill. There are a lot of things that goes trough your mind doing a job like this. Having smoko on some hot steel where you could cook an egg, over viewing the endless outback with wild horses playing beneath you. You think about those black and white picture of old man sitting , walking on steal beams several metres high above the ground, working at a steel skyscraper. I almost felt walking back in time. Maybe it was spiritual anyway.

Two weeks went by as it was two days.
Back in Alice i was still living at the garage, but had a week of housekeeping. I went from garage bump to house keeper. And the luxe that goes with it. Coming to the house after a days work and plunch in the swimming pool and stay there till the stars where shining. Old year went by , somewhere between those days. Even missed the visit of friends of one of my past life’s.
During that time i moved to a private unit, a place of my own. My travel bag finally unpacked and the few things are scattered around the new place now.

Back to our Greek friend, finishing the language centre where 215 different aboriginal dialects will be spoken. Indulging in the food at sporties. Life is quit easy that way. I don’t have to cook or do dishes , Just work and get some tucker. It’s been a strange time , going from one place to another , having no home, or some 16743 km away. The climate that was really different then i experienced the years i spend in Alice and the rock. The red centre was gone, it was all green. endless golf courses where spread in front of you. Water crossings on the only highway that goes from south to north Australia. Lakes and waterholes. Even drying your clothes on the cloth line was an dangerous and risky task. The only sound you hear around Alice are the whipper snippers trying to catch up with the growing weed and grass all around the place. Birds everywhere, even stic
ked on the front bumper of the car after a drive of 500k’s trough booming wildlife.
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