Saturday, 2 December 2017
The cross (part ?)
Finally, a few days out bush. Away of the workshop and the 38 hours a week.Going bush is always a little bit like a holiday to me. Being somewhere else, even if it is a well visited community 300 clicks away and on a hill where my nightmare’s come from.
It was a disappointment , that moment. The engineer had to come up with another solution, or maybe other possibilities to achieve those 6 metre deep holes to hold the cross in place. Who knows when we were going to be back here, finally starting to put down the first construction elements of the big cross. But Jesus, they even put a 38 metre high Jesus on top of a hill hundred years ago, why couldn’t we put up a tiny little cross up a hill. After the drilling team went back to civilisation to do easier jobs, we spend a few days more, improving the well known difficulties of the track, having experienced exploding and flat tyres by sharp rocks and short branches, losing parts of the car by hitting the safety hand rail, we know exactly witch spots on the track needed modification. But i love being out there , doing a job like this. Working in a environment that always change. Watching curious creatures come to watch you . Wallabies , lizards , wild horses and eagles all interacting in the area. Nature that shows her beauty by letting thunderstorms passing by .
Flying with a cold flu is not really pleasant. The days after my flight , my ears didn’t want to pop. I couldn’t hear the half of the things i normally hear, and this is already not much.

Being back in the little outback town, it was hard to get back to a working rhythm. The lay back time caused by broken ribs had made me lazy. It’s amazing how fast a body get used to a lay back life and much harder and longer to get back to an active working style.

But work in Alice has dropped down a lot. Just barely 38 hours a week , maybe it was good to have a slow start again, but after several weeks and no bush, there are a lot of hours left over in a week to fill in. The main reason i came back to this outback town was, i could work a lot of hours and improve my life style to a decadent one. But in this state my life style was reduced to the one of the gladiators living on water and bread. In my case more specific, spag bol and spag bol. The family town that i known for ten years now, has also not much to offer a 50-year young single man. All the places have been visited, and nightlife in this family town on my age is reduced to the weekly bingo night. The weight of a little farm carrying on your own becomes heavier and heavier bringing you in a mental state asking yourself , if it’s all worth, having a farm occupied by natural refugees , building a network of tunnels and others reproducing with no worries. I could be laying on a empty white beach under the palm tree’s seeing the sun going under, while writing another episode on my blog. It’s hard to identify yourself with the category of the people of ancient Rome who works whole there life trying to achieve that one goal. As you see , working less hours gives your brain also more time to work on different angles in life. It’s an amazing thing , a brain. A living entity , full of memories , thoughts, dreams, frustrations and go on and on. And if you give it a break , it just takes over and questions everything but doesn’t give answers.

Enough brain!Having exorcism my brain, i kept myself busy with my little objects. My 3d-printer was printing day and night. It was a good thing it didn’t had a brain, otherwise it would have definitely given up on me and laying on a beach. I managed to get a few more little fun objects for my private collection. Seventeen in total came to life now, shattered between Europe and Australia. Two slaves (female and male); see, hear and speak no evil; monkey; elephant; baby; joker; Adam and eve; naturist; cat woman; Hannibal; pumpkin; worm and diver. But it stays a private collection. My sales skills are nowhere to find and to reproduce the little objects in industrial ways is an investment that only the wealthy of ancient Rome could afford .
Even trying to follow up with my blog becomes a difficulty. Inspiration and creativity are nowhere to be found. There is not much to write about anyway. Tomorrow is the same day as yesterday, and yesterday is the same day as today.
Thursday, 30 November 2017
Euralia 2017
This is just a yearly post with pictures. Something i decided to do last year since i left again to Australia. Just a little description what changed in euralia, so when i look back at my blog i see the yearly changes or progress of my little heaven.

So let’s start with the house. Inside the farm doesn’t really change much, maybe just certain furniture decide to move to another spot, certain rooms getting a temporally change of purpose. In a way , it’s fun to have the interior not finished, things can be moved , rooms can be transformed multiple times and ideas still can grow.The red robins in the driveway are having a happy life. They doubled their size and becoming more and more a wall of green and red leafs . The parking area is still a gathering place of rocks, stones, concrete and misfortuned bricks . Still waiting to be shipped away to an unknown destination .

The biggest change this year, is at the front garden. Almost has his definitive shape. The pond is ready , what makes the fish pretty happy. They don’t have to worry about predators or the coming frost. The fruit walk is finished , called like this because the path is occupied by all kinds of fruit plants. The front garden just needs some modifying and final touch. A little bridge over the pond , a waterfall and wooden deck still have to be made, but that’s it. Finally one place that will be finished in my ten years project. Even the plants in this area , are as they are to be.
The back garden is still in his early stage. Plants still need to grow , sheltering my two little grass zones. My nine trees are reduced to three trees. Three trees are already entangled with each other so they look like one tree. The ultimate goal will be that they all become one big statue of branches curled together , forming bridges over the path . A living sculpture providing the back garden with a cool shade area.

Eve is smiling, her fruit trees had their first fruit hanging on the few branches. Soon she will be able not only eating an apple , but also cherry’s and pears. How would that change the world. Soon i will be able to sit on a self made bench , extra magnifying glasses on my head and a walking stick next to me, watching eve enjoying the forbidden fruit of my garden.In the end , there was not much change between 2016 and 2017. But this was expected. Due financial means and being away, not much can change. The years that are following are just a time zone to leave the garden of eve slowly take their natural shape. It is a process of years to allow the green habitants to mature.
All roads lead somewhere
It was good to see Euralia and the family again. Ten months were gone and there is a lot that can change in ten months.

The fauna and flora of Euralia didn’t stop growing and certain creatures has found refuge in my little oasis of green. A hedgehog has made his own network of tunnels to escape when i came up driving the driveway. Birds made little houses under the roof. Fish had multiplied as rabbits. Yep, it was good to see there was life in the little farm in Loksbergen. But they had to learn to live with a new resident for the next eight weeks.
A lot was planned, but i noticed soon enough that broken ribs and bags of concrete don’t mix so well. There was not much i could do the first weeks , except walking around admiring the tunnel work of the hedgehog and seeing the fish reproduce. And of course netflixen, and enjoying a warm relax hot bad to gentle the painful ribs. A shame a female specie didn’t found my safe heaven while i was away. I definitely could use the company.
But as always time just crawls further. After a few weeks one bag of cement a day became two and then three, and soon i was working again at the plans i had for the farm. One of the ideas i had was to finish the pound, It was necessary , because at the rate the fish were multiplying, they would need some more space and depth to survive the cold and there natural predators. But still , my working rhythm was way below my normal speed.
Luckily , i had some visits of new exciting friends helping out the heavy work in the garden. . And a godchild who loved his new by himself chosen swimming pool. Swimming and playing in the water , that even made my own fish in their pond jealous. But still, my ribs were a pain in the ass. So many plans were made in the red outback , for the couple of weeks i would be in Euralia. And just one was slowly taking shape. But it is as it is.
Our yearly city trip was coming nearby. This year my sis and i were going to Rome. A city that talks to the imagination. Romans, gladiators, popes, nuns, Caligula, Caesar, hidden treasures and more. This time we didn’t need to go with carriage number two. A plane brought us to the airport of the ancient city. From there a formula one pilot with an abusing language , thinking he was driving a mini instead of a bus full of scary passengers brought us in a minimum of time to the centre through graffiti invested suburbs. We walked a detour of an half hour to reach our little hotel. I have to confess , that making detours in a city build on a hill is not really a good idea. But it was a charming hotel located next to an exciting club, but sadly , not having had the occasion to visit.
Rome, Oh Rome. Always do as the Romans do. But there were not many Romans to see. The centre was invaded by tourists , visiting all the ponds there were to visit. For every god , Greek or roman and who else knows, there was one, protected by officers who had invented an own language on there little whistle . Sometimes we wondered we had stepped back in time. More precisely , 1943, an occupied city in time of war. Armed military patrolling the mayor entrees and attractions of the inner city. But as the Romans do, we just sat on a terrace enjoying a cool beer in the heat of the day, hoping this day wouldn’t be the day they blow up fountain number 65.
But Rome did impressed me, especially ancient Rome.
The Colosseum , the playground of the riches and the men about to die. Thinking in the past, it had to be amazing, Rome, the metropolis where all roads lead to. A white shiny marbled town full of fresco's on top of the hill. Houses that look down the valley , with the roar of the fighting gladiators in the background. We could only imagine the riches brought here from around the world. But talking about the Colosseum , it’s something i will never forget. the grandeur situated in time, even if it was in his state of ancient Rome nowadays, it would have been nothing to compare to. A building that would have blinded you on a sunny day.
Imaging the gladiators in the middle of the arena surrounded by 80000 spectators . Even in present day , superstars don’t attract that many people. What would have been the thought of those men in the middle of the arena. Leaving there earthly life by the scream and roar of those 80000 viewers . “This is a good day to die”.
But thinking about it , life didn’t change that much in all those years. The riches still life a life of decadency and the poor work all there life to reach this goal to finally drop dead working. We still have our wars around the world trying to own the globe. People did’t change at all, we only changed our clothing and appearance. I wonder what ancient philosophers would write nowadays.

Time to be back in the present. Time to do some work in Euralia and to achieve that decadency, and hopefully before i drop dead. It was time to clean up , and getting the farm ready to hibernate and leave it into the hands of my previous occupants , who have been into hiding since i arrived. My plane to the other side of the globe was waiting.
Sunday, 12 November 2017
Another flight
After my short flight in empty space from ramp to rock, i soon had another flight coming up. I spend scaring days in the hospital , waiting if the doc’s would give me permission to fly again , but then for a trip of 16000 k’s. Ribs fractured and a collapsed long with air inside are not really the best circumstances to take a flight of this magnitude on. The only thing i could do those days in the hospital were trying to get my longs as quick as possible back in a their normal function. So i started to train. The stairs in the hospital were my play ground. Trying to walk up the stairs was never that hard, especially considering i’m a die hard on walking up a hill , multiple times a day , as part of my daily work out bush trying to create a track to the top of the hill. But i kept walking those damned stairs in the hospital, making several doc’s and nurses nervous.
But it helped, after a few days my long capacity was back to normal, as normal you could get for somebody who likes his rollies. The only thing i couldn’t get out of my longs was the extra air in it. And as we know pressure on high altitudes can give some troubles in a human body. So i had to wait, patiently till a few days before my departure if i could fly or not. I had a doc’s appointment a few days before my flight date.

Two days later , i was standing at the tiny airport in Alice, with the approval of the doc. I have to say , i was a bit anxious . Several flights were waiting a head of me, 38 hours of travelling without bed, shower, now i wished i had one of those cards with enough saving points on so i could upgrade to first class and have a bed in the plane. But a good thing a witch in ancient times discovered plants with calming effects. Nowadays something you can buy in every chemist without ending on a burning stake. Luckily i had those painkillers with me and off i went. I have to say , this was the hardest flight ever, and i did a few of them, i remember the Chinese airline one, all Chinese movies without subtitles, other flights, where the close transit are so close together , you end up just thinking the whole damned flight if you gonna make he connecting flight or not , because of a delay at the departure time at the starting point. The multiple times my luggage was nowhere to be found at the collecting area.
And this flight has become number one on my list. It all went smoothly , thanks to more then one painkiller, till i was somewhere above the ocean between Australia and India mainland. Suddenly our flight captain announces that we gonna make an emergency landing. Such a simple few words can make you jump up a little bit more in your not already comfortable seat. Are we hijacked , not uncommon in our present global community ? Are there problems with the plane, did they change the more expensive bolts that keep the plane together, for cheaper ones to keep the flight cost down in our global economical downfall ? Or are we beamed up by a higher intellectual aliens, preferable all females ( but that's my personal objective opinion of course, i reckon my female passengers are hoping they are being beamed up by Brad , Clooney, Depp or Banderas look a likes)?It’s a good thing our dear captain , didn’t wait to long to say the real reason we were diverted to another airport Colombo , Sri Lanka for the emergency landing. A few passengers became really ill during the flight, and there was no doc or medical treatment available at the moment to keep flying for another 7 hours and to maintain the safety and health of those passengers. So down we went, we spend a few hours sitting in the air plane on a airstrip in Colombo. And remember , we always try to make our long flights as short as possible to shorten the transit times as much we can. This time it was no different. I had three hours transit time in Dubai, and saw the minutes, hours ticking by at an airport in Sri Lanka with fractured ribs in the most perfect seats there are available.

So i think you can imagine what i did the next seven hours of flight when we departure again from Colombo. Landing in Dubai , i was already prepared to stay there , and wait till there was another flight to Brussels. But no, there was a hostess standing with one of those signs up in her hands, and it did had written my name on. So , i gladly and willingly went to see her, it’s not every day a beautiful woman chooses me out of a crowd of exhausting people. But sadly , she just tells me to run with her. Not even the time to have a chat. So i run trough the endless airport of Dubai chasing a short shirted air hostess. We arrived at the closing gates of the flight to Brussels. I didn’t even had the time to bring up my nicotine level in my body. Immediately boarding to Brussels airport. I don’t even know the name of my life saving angel who ran together with me trough crowed spaces as we were be chase by something evil.
Thanks to extra painkillers i managed to survive the next flight and landed without extra problems in Zaventem. The only thing was that my bag again didn’t emerge out of that luggage hole . I lost count how many times my luggage didn’t leave the airport at the same time as me. But i have to say, all those times my bag always found his way back to me.
But it helped, after a few days my long capacity was back to normal, as normal you could get for somebody who likes his rollies. The only thing i couldn’t get out of my longs was the extra air in it. And as we know pressure on high altitudes can give some troubles in a human body. So i had to wait, patiently till a few days before my departure if i could fly or not. I had a doc’s appointment a few days before my flight date.

Two days later , i was standing at the tiny airport in Alice, with the approval of the doc. I have to say , i was a bit anxious . Several flights were waiting a head of me, 38 hours of travelling without bed, shower, now i wished i had one of those cards with enough saving points on so i could upgrade to first class and have a bed in the plane. But a good thing a witch in ancient times discovered plants with calming effects. Nowadays something you can buy in every chemist without ending on a burning stake. Luckily i had those painkillers with me and off i went. I have to say , this was the hardest flight ever, and i did a few of them, i remember the Chinese airline one, all Chinese movies without subtitles, other flights, where the close transit are so close together , you end up just thinking the whole damned flight if you gonna make he connecting flight or not , because of a delay at the departure time at the starting point. The multiple times my luggage was nowhere to be found at the collecting area.
And this flight has become number one on my list. It all went smoothly , thanks to more then one painkiller, till i was somewhere above the ocean between Australia and India mainland. Suddenly our flight captain announces that we gonna make an emergency landing. Such a simple few words can make you jump up a little bit more in your not already comfortable seat. Are we hijacked , not uncommon in our present global community ? Are there problems with the plane, did they change the more expensive bolts that keep the plane together, for cheaper ones to keep the flight cost down in our global economical downfall ? Or are we beamed up by a higher intellectual aliens, preferable all females ( but that's my personal objective opinion of course, i reckon my female passengers are hoping they are being beamed up by Brad , Clooney, Depp or Banderas look a likes)?It’s a good thing our dear captain , didn’t wait to long to say the real reason we were diverted to another airport Colombo , Sri Lanka for the emergency landing. A few passengers became really ill during the flight, and there was no doc or medical treatment available at the moment to keep flying for another 7 hours and to maintain the safety and health of those passengers. So down we went, we spend a few hours sitting in the air plane on a airstrip in Colombo. And remember , we always try to make our long flights as short as possible to shorten the transit times as much we can. This time it was no different. I had three hours transit time in Dubai, and saw the minutes, hours ticking by at an airport in Sri Lanka with fractured ribs in the most perfect seats there are available.

So i think you can imagine what i did the next seven hours of flight when we departure again from Colombo. Landing in Dubai , i was already prepared to stay there , and wait till there was another flight to Brussels. But no, there was a hostess standing with one of those signs up in her hands, and it did had written my name on. So , i gladly and willingly went to see her, it’s not every day a beautiful woman chooses me out of a crowd of exhausting people. But sadly , she just tells me to run with her. Not even the time to have a chat. So i run trough the endless airport of Dubai chasing a short shirted air hostess. We arrived at the closing gates of the flight to Brussels. I didn’t even had the time to bring up my nicotine level in my body. Immediately boarding to Brussels airport. I don’t even know the name of my life saving angel who ran together with me trough crowed spaces as we were be chase by something evil.
Thanks to extra painkillers i managed to survive the next flight and landed without extra problems in Zaventem. The only thing was that my bag again didn’t emerge out of that luggage hole . I lost count how many times my luggage didn’t leave the airport at the same time as me. But i have to say, all those times my bag always found his way back to me.
Saturday, 1 July 2017
The fall

One moment you pushing a post level attached with two tags on the ramp. The next moment you hanging in the air, post gone. You slowly see your way down, seeing the ground coming closer, especially that rock that was forming straight underneath. A big pointy rock that will haunt me in my nightmares. Doing a 180 degree turning my back to the rock ,i started to fear the worst. No matter how i tried , i couldn’t seem to do anything at my fall, couldn’t move my body to another direction, the bush of spinafix looks for the first time attractive to fall in. But no , the rock kept coming. The only thoughts i had , closing in to the rock were, please, not my spine, NOT my spine, NOT MY spine, NOT MY SPINE, …
then everything went really fast, time took another perspective, hit the rock rock hard by figure of speaking. Rolled to the side in the spinefix . First time in my life a damned spinefix didn’t bother me. The only thought i had was moving everything that’s movable at my body. Arms were moving, my legs were moving, fingers and neck. First peace of mind. Adrenaline was pumping trough my veins. But ‘damned ‘ did it hurt. Hard to catch a breath. Second worry, hope i didn’t broke any ribs or pierced my longs. Thanks to the help of my two workmates , i was more dragged then walked on the ramp again. I lay there for a while trying to catch my breath , but this didn’t happen. So there was just one solution, walking down the track and drive a 14 k’s on dirt to get to the first hospital. A community hospital full of female doctors and nurses. I was really to start thinking , this is my luckiest day in my life so far. First examination , looks positive, nothing broken or long piercing. But the safest way to proceed was having a x-ray or ultra sound. But being remote it’s another mission to find an X-ray or ultra sound. The closest nearby was 346 km away. So back on the road again. It was a good thing it was just 100 k’s of dirt and the rest bitumen. Thankfully they pumped a lot of painkillers in my blood, except morphine. My only chance to see what all the fuss is about morphine. The drive was still a bloody long one , counting the last k’s with the metre.
Arriving at the hospital, i was immediately taken care off. X-rays, ultra sounds, nurses, doctors and all female and super friendly. But the thing was , how better i get, the more the female company was changed by male doctors and nurses. So you can start asking yourself questions.But one night became two nights, and more tests were done. More x-rays , blood tests. I still had the working clothing on, and did’t had a shower since two days. I was starting to fit in with majority of the occupants of the hospital. But enough was enough , i was starting to smell myself. So i used all my charm that they would release me of the hospital, but it didn’t help, maybe if i had done it a day earlier , when i still had female nurses it would have work. The only thing that i achieved was getting a four hour escape from hospital, but at least it was a change to take a warm shower and jump, no , crawl in fresh washed shirt and short.
Updating my blog in a hospital room was not on my agenda in the last weeks that i had in Alice before i flew back to Europe for a couple of weeks.But rethinking every bit of it, i’m glad i ‘m doing it. I reckon this was a moment in my life ,that we call , the flip of a coin , or should i say the flip of a body. And happy the coin felt on the good side and still to be around.
Friday, 30 June 2017
Climb a while
We started to feel as an expedition team for the Himalaya's. We had our donga in the community. A place to sleep, shower and cook. From there we go to “the lay down area”. A place to unload the truck. The materials are Mesh, handrail , and other different sizes of square hollow bar, round bar and least but most important our tool box. The next thing we unload is our bobcat, the digger we call it. A machine that goes against all gravity laws, but mostly because it’s driver. Trevor drives it up roads, rock, dirt, everything you can imagine, vertical, horizontal , diagonal. He does it all. The next thing is our car , we rented out of the movie “mad max”. A V6 , automatic gear box, low range, high range, modified bumpers, modified roof rack .
All packed with material, smoko and lunch boxes , the expedition starts. Trevor drives the digger, i’m on the steering wheel of our V6, we still trying to find a proper name to baptise this machine. The first break on the track is ‘Turn-around 1’, just a dirt area that’s made flat to turn around our vehicles 180 degree’s. Don’t get me wrong, The place is just big enough to turn the vehicles after three spins.In front of us , the steel track starts his way to “base camp 1”. The track is just big enough to get trough with one car, definitely a one way direction, and the possibilities to modify our mad max car while we driving up. Every inch the car becomes smaller, the less turns we have to make. There is also one turn-around on the way up. A platform build out of steel, round bar and mesh against the incline of memory Hill. A training session for the upper arms. The training is all about turning a non-power steering wheel on standing position with air pressure 25 in tyres on hard mesh steel . Making 8 times a full turn in both directions.. After this training sessions it is just another 10 metres on a incline of 45 degrees, and “base camp 1” is in sight.
The first camp up the hill is a flattened area, to have a rest , smoko and lunch. Base camp is completely set up with shade structure, barbie area, engel, solar panel to keep it going. This is momentarily the end stop of our mad max car. The track keeps going for another 500 metre on steel mesh before it goes over to a ramp to cover a high of 4 metre. After the ramp , “camp 2” is in process of development. Once the camp is finished the car can get up there and turn around to go back again saving us a lot of time coming down every time to base camp one to have lunch.Our team is up here now for a week. The ramp is finished and Trevor is digging his way up . The final stretch to the top. Almost a flat stretch , just a few rocks need to be moved to make a decent track. Camp 2 , almost done, almost flattened, almost a new place to have a spell and barbie. We still have a week , all the pressure is on Trevor, once he gets his digger at the top. We can pack up and go back to Alice. A few days more and fly to Europe. Checking out if my godchild still behaves.
It was gonna be a relaxing last week here, till i pushed a handrail post the wrong way. Everything slowed down and changed direction.
A walk in the past
The time in the outback town existed about different things to do. A day job , a printing job and a daily fight against the cold.
Every morning that passes , i discovered a new clothing material to keep me warm on my bike. Yep, you read it right. I go with a bike to work. So you understand why sport was eliminated on my bucket list. The temperatures here in the warm sunny outback can reach a minus. A min 2 or even min 3. So it’s freaking cold with a short on a bike. I was to stubborn to buy long paints. I live in the hot warm dessert , no way i’m gonna have long paints. But i had to give in , "winter is coming", T-shirt, work shirt, jacket, beanie, rigger gloves, high viv vest. These are just a part of my wardrobe in the morning to survive the bike ride to work. The only problem was i had a bike ride back to the granny flat. Once the sun gets at the horizon and starts her way up. The temperature also starts to rise up. With the rising of the sun and temp, one by one , parts of my bike survival trip , where stripped of my body. But the crazy thing here is , the temp doesn't stop at a plus ten or eleven , no, it can go all the way to a warm 28 or even 30. So on the end of the working day there is a whole wardrobe laying next to you that has to go back on a bike to the granny, to start again doing the same ritual in the morning.
Doing my icy survival training in the morning, a day job, and the printing after. days just passes on, and my trip back to Euralia becomes closer and closer. Flight is organised, the date is fixed . 12 July i will be flying to Brussels , and will be able to see what a ten month gap does to a garden.The moment i had fixed my departure day. The speed at the working shop increased. A week in kings canyon was on the schedule .We had to install a new fence with gate, and a turn wheel to let people out but not in.The integrated installation had to be placed a few metres up front where the rim walk starts. A walk , I'm sure still is a fresh memory for my sis. Steps on a 45 and more degree angle. Steps who are not seems to end, all the way up to the rim. But from there on, is a beautiful walk in a moon landscape, descending to the garden of eve. One of my favourite places , but i reckon , in my case, everything with an association with eve will look beautiful for me.
The job went cruisy, dig holes, concrete, weld post and sheets and get out of there. We stayed at one of the ranger houses, a house with two bedrooms, kitchen and utilities. Nice place to stay, except every day there where contractors arriving to stay at the same house. So by the time we left there were contractors and swags spread everywhere . Outside, kitchen, laundry room, utility room. everything that could give a little bit of privacy and could be consider as a room was taken. It was a good thing there was no dog house. It would have definitely been taken by a contractor’s swag. The only problem we were starting to get was a contractor walking and creeping around and over swag’s to get an early coffee in the middle of the night.But as a law , no job is perfect. On the way back , we heard a strange noise coming from the passenger side. It looks like one of the plastic covers was not well attached. As a passenger i was looking at it, when in a few seconds , the whole side was ripped of by a rubber band that gave away from the tyre. Something that most experienced truckies never will experience in their life. A malfunction from the tyre, fabrication fault, a tyre fabricated on an early Monday or late Friday.So our trip was extended with a few hours, change the tyre and no short cut on the dirt track. We had to take long way around with bitumen road.
But as always , all roads lead to Alice.
Suddenly , work drop back down . Instead of going for the usual 70 hours a week it just went down to 38. It resembles to the Australian dollar coming from 0.8 to 0.6 in a few years.
So i had to find things to do with my time. I still had another 32 hours to fill in. There were a few possibilities that i tried one by one. Sleeping was one of them, catching up with my body, but that didn’ last long. The end of this sleep trial came to end when i woke up at two , in the middle of the night and started to walk and creep in the middle of the night around the house.A second method was start drinking a bit more , but that didn’t last long too , after one night i had already enough from that trial, a imaginary joyride in the middle of the unit made sure of that.Another method was going out in the booming town in the middle of the dessert. But the inhabitants of that town made sure that i lost interest in that too. Going for a dance or drink and not to worry about your environment, is quit a problem. It’s a hunting ground in the true meaning of the word. Male predators who are fighting amongst them to become the supreme alpha. Female predators chasing each other to become the evil queen of Alice. And i’m not gonna talk about the chase between male - female. You definitely don’t want to know about that.Down to another one on my bucket list. Sport, naaahhh, was doing already enough body training during the day. Don’t want to become another muscles from a Belgian city.Eating, naaaahhh, to much dishes.After falling and standing up again, i found out i could buy a 3D-printer. That the prices of such a device where dropped a lot ,like everything else here, so i thought i ‘ll give it a try . It were anxious days, waiting till the printer would arrive. But it did. But to get the printer working i still had to work at the printer. Screws were loose, platform and extruders had to be placed at the correct height. Software had to be installed. So it took me another week to install the damned printer. But hé, i had enough spare time.
And yes, the first print sticked on the platform. And soon another and another. No time wasted as print-time. My first critters out of plastic came to life. And after a few days , i had a little collection of little funobjects. The worm, baby, joker, the slaves, diver and the speak, hear and see no evils all came to live. And still there are more joining the queue to be printed. Once a print is done, there is still a bit of work to do at the critter. A shame really, because if they would jump out the printer , straight to a finished product, it would have been an easy way to get my bank account growing. Of course if people would buy my critters, but now with all the hours of work to finish them, it becomes a product i can’t sell.
But anyway, there is more involved then having an idea , trying to bring it to the market and to make a living from it.
Tuesday, 7 March 2017
Memory Hill
Just back from a twenty day spiritual road. And it’s already march. Six months further in my new Australian life.A twenty days trip trying to reach the top of the hill.
We are almost there , the top is at our reach. But also my physical state was at his top. I cursed myself building the track further and further away. Every day i had to walk up the hill and down the hill, but every day we made the track longer and longer. A 16 minutes walk up the hill became a struggling of 34 minutes walk torturing my poor muscles. Drilling post holes and building bridge constructions to reach the top . Opening the way for industrial evolution.
Thousand of years of untouched fauna and flora are waken up by the hammer drill shaken up the foundation of hill. Little lizards, spiders the size of a golf ball don’t know what ’s happening. Soon there will be a car driving up the track, and even maybe in a thousand year future people will gather around the holy place like they do at Rio. Little markets selling the cross in a miniature version. Hundreds of people doing the march to the cross as penance. The first house will be build and permanent residents are settling there. Or, maybe just in time, the track will be overgrown with weed and grass, a lonely statue standing on hill as a time marker , and future archaeologist will try to put a theory together who build that strange structure on the top of the hill in the middle of nowhere, maybe a lost civilisation, or a race out of space.
It has indeed something spiritual , the place. The name already has a spiritual meaning. “Memory hill” . What’s life then just a memory, a memory in a mind , true or false, created or experienced. How many times a day we think about memories.
Damned , twenty days bush on a hill is maybe not so a good idea for the mind. Enough of memories, and certainly walking every day up and down the hill. Soon i ‘ll have a industrial vehicle to drive up that hill. There is still a few metres left before there is a track up to the top, but the mountain is almost conquered and then the real work will start. Building a 20 metres cross and 3 metres wide.
Can’t wait to get started and to see what spiritual lights are gonna shine on me.
The cross
Damned, i’m trying to catch up with time. Time just goes so fast. My blog is been silent for a while now. Even old and new year are a memory somewhere in the back of my mind.
Where do i start to catch up with time.

Another bush job , a religious one this time. They called it the million dollar cross. Up a hill , the aboriginal community wanna place a cross of 20 metres high looking over the emptiness of the beautiful outback.
But to get the material on top of the hill , there need to be a track. So that’s the first thing we have to do. Building a track , starting from ground level . I felt as a pioneer, conquering new ground. Building a road to the future. A road to spiritual guidance.
But it didn’t felt spiritual. Drilling post holes in rock is not a spiritual thing. Covered and splat with hot oil from a drill that tries to get trough solid rock. Going 1 cm deep every 5 minutes. But the pioneer in me was stubborn, so i never gave up on the holes or track. And slowly a track was forming to the top of the hill. There are a lot of things that goes trough your mind doing a job like this. Having smoko on some hot steel where you could cook an egg, over viewing the endless outback with wild horses playing beneath you. You think about those black and white picture of old man sitting , walking on steal beams several metres high above the ground, working at a steel skyscraper. I almost felt walking back in time. Maybe it was spiritual anyway.

Two weeks went by as it was two days.
Back in Alice i was still living at the garage, but had a week of housekeeping. I went from garage bump to house keeper. And the luxe that goes with it. Coming to the house after a days work and plunch in the swimming pool and stay there till the stars where shining. Old year went by , somewhere between those days. Even missed the visit of friends of one of my past life’s.
During that time i moved to a private unit, a place of my own. My travel bag finally unpacked and the few things are scattered around the new place now.

Back to our Greek friend, finishing the language centre where 215 different aboriginal dialects will be spoken. Indulging in the food at sporties. Life is quit easy that way. I don’t have to cook or do dishes , Just work and get some tucker. It’s been a strange time , going from one place to another , having no home, or some 16743 km away. The climate that was really different then i experienced the years i spend in Alice and the rock. The red centre was gone, it was all green. endless golf courses where spread in front of you. Water crossings on the only highway that goes from south to north Australia. Lakes and waterholes. Even drying your clothes on the cloth line was an dangerous and risky task. The only sound you hear around Alice are the whipper snippers trying to catch up with the growing weed and grass all around the place. Birds everywhere, even stic
ked on the front bumper of the car after a drive of 500k’s trough booming wildlife.
I’m still living on NT time, the unit i supposed to move in , is not ready yet.

Still living in the back shed of a mate. The good thing about is that i have been able to train the dogs not to bark anymore when i’m a sleep. Just one of my dogs , an old fellow don’t want to listen to me. But it’s understandable. How older you get how less you listen to other people, how less you care about others opinion about you. So i don’t blame the old fellow.
But i didn’t stay long in Alice after my night dreaming in palm valley. Another job was waiting in Tennant creek. A drive of 6 hours, truck loaded full of steel , on a 600 K’ s highway with two turn off’s. We had to build a language centre for the indigenous people. A centre where you could train in all kinds of different dialect of the aboriginal language. But i still didn’t figured it out how they gonna accommodate all those dialects in a building that size, if you know that every village in the outback has his own way of shouting there dialect.
Tennant creek , a small town of 4000 , is situated above the tropical Capricorn , and i definitely felt it. Standing whole day under a shower trying to do a job gives you quit a craving for food. Luckily we could go every night to the local sporties, a sport club where meals were served , and again lucky for us , they didn’ follow the guidance of the heavy weight club.

On a week a half two guys erected a decent size of building. And we had the chance to get acquainted with a Greek guy. We were invited to his place. Amazing the things you run into, In the middle of the outback you find yourself a concrete drive way from a mile long to end up at a villa surrounded by Greek aphrodite’s and a cool room where you get lost between the four x gold and Carlton dry’s. A host that sees you never are thirsty again and welcomes you in is humble house as you were a lost family member. But luckily we had a job to do , otherwise i would still have a hangover now two weeks later.
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