Dear Madame, (part two)
But dear Madame, there are still positive things in live, before i scare you away of reading this open hearted letter.
I even had the chance to experience your splendid performance. Thanks to a treat of my sis , we went with the carriage to London. More specific the “two” carriage as to the confusion of the conductor. We saw and experienced the horror of a london dungeon , not the kind of dungeon i like, but still very entertaining with a surprising ending in an Australian way.And as highlight we went to see your performance were i managed to miss your most beautiful aria in the history of music. So please , do forgive me, i really don’t know how this happened . I even had a sleepless night over it.

I also would like to take the occasion to talk about signs or changing points in life, if i may, dear Madame. The road i was struggling on is only heading to a dead end. So i had to take the risk. Heading back was not an option to a half Australian as my self who believes in the icons of Oz, the emu and kangaroo who can’t walk backwards. I’m gonna step out my toyota car , step of the road to nowhere straight into the bush and find myself another track that’s gonna lead me somewhere. It’s been a hard decision, leaving everything behind again, especially my close family , sis and godchild. But since i made that decision , and those are the signs i’m talking about , things are looking more brighter, once and a while the sun is breaking trough the clouds.

I have being notified by the local city council that they recognise the existence of my little farm, euralia and I got my old job back in alice. Things are just working again. The 25 of august , the plane to Oz is awaiting . I got still three more weeks as a Belgian-Australian in Loksbergen, and will be a Belgian-Australian in Oz again. The good thing about going bush again is, that i will be among the native locals. As in there transition between child to man there teeth been knocked out, i will fit in properly. I have to say it’s not up to me if i made it to manhood or not but the physical signs are there. And i’ll have again the native female attraction , not that i yearn for it, but it’s always a nice feeling to be wanted.
Also the state of my english writing will improve before it really turns to shit. But like i always say the inner meaning is always importer then the external side of it. And i ‘ll have the change to chase after pokemon in the bush.
So it’s not a goodbye , dear madame, it’s a whole new journey.
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