A place called Yuendumu. A place disconnected from the world, So i thought. It was another bush job. Away from town, about 300 k`s. The job turned to be all right from the start.
The plans of the platform didn`t show up until after the platform and walkway were already made. It was an urgent job , it had to be made and installed as fast we could. So we couldn't`t wait till the plans showed up. So we started to fabricate the walkway straight ahead. better said, i started. This job is almost completely made by myself in the workshop.
The angle of the stairways had to be modified , because when they ordering the wrong size of stair threads , it really doesn`t fit properly. But on the end , the platform , stairs and walkway, and let not forget the 121 metres of pipework were ready to transport to the remote area.
Ready to go, one truck, one load . But how do you fit a 21 m long platform and 121 metres of pipework on one truck? It was really a job that went smooth from the start. The truck was loaded with 1/3 of what we had to take with us when they noticed we needed an extra truck. So we didn`t leave that day. The truck did just a drop of at the community, and to come back to be loaded another time.
We loaded the truck a second time, and all ready to go for the second time. We left Alice but we did made it 5 k`s further. The weight bridge was standing in our way. The truck was overloaded with 3.4 ton. We weren`t allowed to drive another 100 metres. So another truck had to come from work to reload and shift the extra tons, what took us an extra day. So, we didn`t leave that day, Yep , it went all smooth.
The next day we were finally on the road. Two trucks driving on a dirt track , away from civilisation and communication. Only camels , unaware they are the weak on the highway to hell, travelling over the road. Highway to hell is a name the road has been given, trough the years. A road with the most kills and accidents trough the northern territory. Bad dirt and road trains that just keep going.
The touristic town on our way to the power station was piled up with garbage. It almost looks like a ghost town. Only a few people sleeping next to the dogs next to a shed with satellites. I just wonder if they have an underground city , and the people above are just actors to scare people away, so they can have a peace full and luxurious live underground.
One of the strangest things happened, i looked on my phone , and saw some bars. We weren`t at the end of the world. There was Internet. There was communication with the outside world. Once and a while you could reconnect with the world.
The job was supposed to be a week, but with the perfect accommodation at the Hilton, and beautiful views we stayed an extra week. Having a weekend alone with two Russians listening how they love the Asian culture with there lady boys.
But the job went smooth. The walkway , stairs and pipes are installed. We left the town . Leaving the locals happy , now they could install there Jacuzzis and plasma screens in their underground city.
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