What a trip it has been. Going to Belgium has not been a normal Holiday. But maybe what can you expect if you live for several years amount the wildlife of the rock..

Where do i start. I probably start at the moment that i set foot in the country that i have been born. The moment that i landed , i knew something was gonna happen. A country where the summer colder is then the winter in the outback. Mmmmmh , wrong luggage. Only summer clothing, but no winter gear. Going from a nation where the dress code a singlet, short and tongues are to a country where the clothes makes the man. I felt like a savage after a flight of 24 hours, and probably because people kept staring at me.
So straight to the shops and hair salon, a complete make over that would tip on those tv shows. First thing was to scare the shit out some nieces and cousins. The fact that one of them was a hairdresser probably had something to do about it. And with the professional guiding of my sister i managed to get the outside look a bit more European. The inside was still savage. Amazing what 5 years outback does to somebody.
Once the rumour was spread, the invitations were coming in. A beer there , a meal over there, and another meal somewhere else. So the following month, i was literally eating like a pig and drinking like an empty vessel. And what do you reckon? Eating kangoroo and flies comparing with a pepper steak, vol au vent, american prepare, own prepared cheesecroquetes, and much much more.
It was a good thing my sister had the brilliant idea to put me at work on my holiday, to loose the weight i was gaining after every meal.
Even going out was a mission, learning to drive on the right side again, or is it the wrong side? Even going for a piss was dangerous. Living amongst the deadliest creatures of the world you wouldn't imagine going for a leak would be life threatened. But it is! I almost drowned when i walked towards a fence and dropped a meter in a hideous waterway in the Belgian bush.
Going to a dance place for semi young people, where woman are hitting your butt to have your attention. The last time they ever touched my butt was when i was 5 years old and who knows what i did wrong that day. Strange to be chasing wildlife and suddenly to become wildlife yourself.
And how could i forget, the reunion of the nieces and cousins. It was a step back in time. We all felt like 16 years young. And feeling 16 years again, somebody came up with the crazy idea to rent some sumi suites and have fun with it. It seemed a great idea, but after a knee injury, a black out , dog injury and an ankle dislocation and a lot of hurting muscles, we decided that we were grown ups and would behave like that.
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