Werchter, unbelievable. 70 000 people gathered together on a piece of land. Just to enjoy the music. Its been 5 years since i left the meadow to fly to the outback. And i`m standing , probably better said, dancing on the meadow again, with friends from the old days and new days. Dancing around a rainbow. Listening to up to date song lyrics for 5 days. And closing the festival with the most beautiful rainbow i ever saw and that caused by just one simple beer.
Time to organise my own goodbye party. A youth house where old wall remains from long last times still exists.And again a travel in time. A reunion of the three musketeers. Time does really can stop and live its own rhythm and suddenly catch up again. Especially early in the morning.

Time to fly back, no, plans don`t hold. Life has a strange way to interfere with your own design of the future. My heart in love wasn`t ready to go back and disappear in the bush. My heart wanted to go to the Netherlands. So the next month i spend more time in Holland then my holiday destination. So i stole the car of my sister, and was gone. Not a good idea, one morning the car gave up on me.
No problem, i thought, one of the survival demands, is knowing how a car works. Full of confidence, i open the bonnet of the car. Where was the engine? The only thing i saw where wires , computer chips and a big black cube what supposed to be the engine. A good thing i didn't have to walk another 437 km to find a mechanic. Thanks to the computer technology , car mechanics are around every corner of the street, or is the way around. So, i ended up , to wait a week to get to know that there `s just a small leak in the fuel line. Computer didn`t recognize the problem. No, give me a car where you can see the engine, fuel line, oil filters, air filters and all that other stuff that keeps an engine running.
Driving from Belgium to Netherlands, and from the Netherlands to Belgium, we also managed to get two stones in the window to crack it, in two different cars. How lucky were we. The next fourteen years will be fantastic.
A day out in Amsterdam, a day out at the maasplassen, Spending a relaxing weekend in loppersum, a spa and beauty, A late birthday gift to me and Bianca, A luxury place where mud and gold , steam and heat makes a person 10 years younger. A head massage that relax you so much that you start making noises without knowing, and suddenly waking up by hearing the laughing in the background.
Time goes so fast, time just is a pain in the ass, when you feeling good. Even so fast that i even didn`t had the change to catch up with all of my friends. This was one of those holidays that change who you are. It wasn`t really a holiday, it was a visit in the past of my live and a visit for the future. And living in a complete other culture for the first time you notice things where you never payed attention at in your previous culture.And suddenly you start missing them. A reunion with family brings you back closer.
This time i definitely left parts of my heart back in Belgium and mainly in the Netherlands. This time stepping on the plane was not an easy thing to do. It was not saying goodbye, but going away to come back.