He, its the end of January. Xmas and new year has been passed.
Happy new year wishes to my "die hard" fans, who still have the courage to come back to my blog. Here at the red centre, xmas and new year day were just camouflaged as a normal day. In my case anyway. I can imagine that at the outback resort plenty alcohol and new year kisses have been available.

While half Australia is under water, the red centre is sunny and around the 45 degrees and my finches are back . In my garden of eve, 107 finches are chattering away. Amazing little buggers. So energetic, never a moment to relax, flying around, from Branch to
pond and from pond to Branch. Its really a spectacle, you barely see the tree and sky, everywhere little birds. I wonder if they also have the same human problems. "hey , you there, move your big ass so i can have a drink too" , "Hey stupid cunt, you fucked my wife so i`m gonna throw you of my branch". "hey look at that pussy, what the fuck is he wearing?". Or would they just flying around and just doing what they doing. Imagine a life like that. No educated morals , no forced laws by a minority of the population, no social rules to follow and to fit in.

Oh , i bought myself a new years present.A ticket to my old roots. I`m gonna visit Belgium again after 5 years. In June and July , i`ll be visiting old memories. Even catching up with a festival, werchter , here i come. I`m gonna throw a party too, Saturday the 16 July. So, if you read this, you are invited.
It`s the perfect time for a change, so I resigned of work, still have to work till end may, but after Belgium, i start completely new again. Fly back to Alice, and step in my car and drive to an unknown destination, part of it. I`ll be driving to west Australia, and travelling along the coast line. I`m finished with Yulara, it has been good, but is time to move on. i`m back on my feets, saved a bit of money , so time to seek out my precious piece of land to settle down. Or maybe just driving on.
1 comment:
Hey Hans,
Wat een geweldig nieuws! Ik ben blij voor je dat je de eenzame outback eindelijk achter je kan laten. En dat nog wel voor een bezoek aan Belgie! Had eerlijk gezegd niet gedacht dat dat er snel van zou komen. Helaas gaan we elkaar missen want ik ga in maart nog eens naar Belgie en waarschijnlijk terug in Augustus/September als Hawaii er dit jaar niet van komt. Ik had er anders graag bij geweest de 16de juli! Hou ons die hards zeker op de hoogte van je reilen en zeilen in Belgie. En absoluut ook van je trip langs de West-kust. Ben benieuwd welke avonturen je daar gaat tegenkomen en vooral waar je terecht gaat komen.
Zeg en als je in Belgie bent, kunnen we misschien nog eens skypen. Met het tijdsverschil tussen Oz en Canada lukt dat niet zo goed. Allez ik hoor het wel. Heel veel groetjes uit een winters Toronto.
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