My dear diary,
It’s been a few months now since i wrote to you. That i informed you of my deepest and precious thoughts. It has been a time of adjustment. Getting used to my new work, mates, payslip and sleeping place.

There is been no time for creativity, i know , dear diary, no time is the most used excuse we use as we see fit. but i ll be honest with you. There is a certain emptiness in me. and i can’t find the leak. I tried different solutions to locate the drain. but with no success . A night out with work mates as a social gathering. ended in a way that i had to pay it of in three weeks time, don’t get me wrong , i was still sober , didn’t gamble. didn’t interfere with the wildlife. But the financial aspects of my present work don’t allow me much playground .
I don’t have much more fighting in me, just a habit to finish the game. , learned in my childhood in the professional world of tennis. The game can change every moment when you keep hitting the ball over the net.
So i keep working long hours, day after day, till my body demands a rest. and causing my hourly nap in a free day extending by three hours.The only creativity that took place in my brain, is my little farm far far away, a place where i live the way i dream of living. Being creative , making sculptures, cartoons and have close people visiting , a dog running around and my godchild making havoc around the place. I have my little farm now in a 3D-program on my running low on memory laptop. So dear Diary, my mind being overly busy at the early mornings and my only interest with the improvements of Euralia, was maybe a way to show me the leak. So i decided that it was that time again to move . The financial aspects of being in Australia weren't no longer interesting .My present work didn’t allow me any personal extras.then just paying those everlasting bills. A one way trip was coming my way.
Spending hours of calculating and noticing that my mathematics weren’t what they used to be., my earliest departure day could be around the end of July. Having looked in ,all scenario’s possible ,my decision was made. I would return to Loksbergen, just before my big 50, as my sister gently said. Save up that precious money for the flight and in case a job doesn’t pop up immediately.

I notified work i would be leaving at the end of July, before they send me to a few days bush. Remember the ranger with his two blue thumbs, that was the place where we would spend a few nights.Palm Valley, The shed i installed a year ago was still standing, so i suppose i could be happy that my welding skills are not to bad. This place is really magic, the track to get there is a one way sandy bush road,crossing dry riverbeds and leading all the way up in the hills. A few house are flanked by the tops of the surrounding hills. We had to install a donga, with patio and handrail.
All the duration of the bush trip , i had my swag outside, every night before my eyes shut down automatically i had the most spectacular view of the endless universe stretching out above me.Damned, i ‘m gonna miss this. The howling dingo’s at night, the shooting stars in the early morning.I really took notice of my surroundings, it was maybe the last time i’ll be able to experience the beauty of untouched nature.and wildlife.

Back to my little living place at the work yard, the next countdown started, i lost the amount of countdowns i already had in my life. Sixty-four days my calendar was showing. One of the days after, i checked my accounts, and i noticed a big difference. It seems they have given me a big pay rise. The next morning , the boss came to me , and verified what i noticed the night before. A pay rise and lower rent for my little donga. It changes everything again. It was not a rise of a few dollars.more, but a rise that changed all my plans again. Didn’t i say that i wouldn’t make any plans anymore in one of my last blogs. So one way ticket changed to a return ticket. One more year would make a big difference and the life that i wanna live closer.
But still, my dear diary, the call from Euralia gets louder and louder.