One year my feet are walking on Belgian soil and they walked in every direction you can think off.
If i think about my highlights of 2014 , there are a few things that are popping up.
The search of a job and my never-ending story with the city council.
A few health problems like losing my perfect eye sight , my fight with the 6 mm drill and destruction of a few teeth's on a hard sandwich.

Wondering when the rainbow comes back again and feel the sun warming your body.
Twenty fourteen, i would call it my hardest year of my fourthy six . But i knew the moment that i stepped on the plane to leave the sun , it would be two hard years that gonna follow and i managed to survive one already. The hardest one is already gone. To get a grip on the Belgian soil and to start the projects that were living in my head full of dreams. i’m half way with my projects . Thirteen pieces are almost ready to walk out the non existing farm in Loksbergen.
Twothousandfourteen , yep, i’m happy to close that one down. The sky is blue and the landscape i missed for seven years is in front of my eyes. A white blanket is laying before me. Ready to be written by our new actions in the new year.
So my dear few consistent readers, i wish you all a good start with the start of writing the most beautiful and heavenly stories on that new white blanket .
so f%&k the old year and let 2015 come.
Dream it, believe it, achieve it