I was empty , drained of all my energy. Like a zombie i walked outside to catch my ride home. But nobody there. I looked around to find a glimpse of my ride . My exhausted hart turned a beat over. I saw a woman with red hair. Could it be ? I walked closer and yes. This was a welcome surprise . My search of beauty was over. I found the rainbow i was looking for after my trip to hell.
The following days were all a blur. To much emotions, to many thoughts. Too many things were coming at me. It wasn’t my regularly trip overseas. This time i didn’t had a return ticket in my pocket. This time i wasn’t on a holiday. Things needed to be organised. Mrs, D wasn’t sold yet. I still had my mobile connection with Australia. Over here i only had my Belgian mobile number and a farm that asked a lot of man hours of work. No kitchen, no bad, no bed.
The following weeks just passed by running from one place to the other. A new passport and a new identity needed to be ordered. A new job has to be find. But first things first. i just had a hell of a job finished and i still had a jet lag coming. As usually the next days i felt a sleep at times you don’twant to know and I was trying to recover the kilos fat that i left at Warraga. No i needed to relax. Enjoy the beauty of my rainbow.
Xmas was closing in without knowing. But still it was a Xmas to remember. Mattresses were brought down, and a living room was created in a relaxing lounge. What a difference this was with four weeks ago, when i was sleeping in a swag in the entertaining room of an abandoned mining town. And i have to confess , i liked it, i really do. My mind was relaxed , and just enjoying the company. I even had the time to take up my former artistic talents.

Slowly i started to do little tasks to keep my mind at ease. My mind had thousand and one issues where it worked at. And my body was just running after it. But slowly , piece by piece things were getting organised. Paperwork was almost at his end. A road was starting to form.
A bath and even a kitchen that was get rid of at the right time , was installed in my future home. But the need of a job was getting urgent and was taking my good humor away. Thousand of jobs available but none straight away. To keep my good sense and rest , i attacked the farm. I kept my mind busy from dawn till dusk for improvements in the little farm. I kept myself so busy that i forget about my surroundings.
Forget about more important things. Forgot that i wasn’t alone in my little farm. That there is a life out there.
Especially one that gives me a lot of beauty.