Saturday, 8 May 2010


Nop, this is not a movie set of Outbreak 2, or a preparation of the alien invasion and neither an escape to the underground shelter for the coming disaster in 2012.
It’s just a simple job at a power plant. What people do to make a living.
Two huge diesel tanks that were laying for more then 20 years underground had to been cleaned up for a major inspection. Two big round tanks hidden from sight could have some leaks or spills that nobody knows about for the last 10 years and cause a contamination area, not as big as the one we have now at the US coast, but anyway, it had to be verified.

And yep, this is me, almost bold, and by the way, it has nothing to do with my age. One of the obligations for a BA (breathing apparatus) trained, is to be clean shaved. Not to mention something about the private parts. The seal of the mask works 100% only on bare skin. So the night before, I had a lot of shaving to do.

A lot of preparations before you really go down to the unknown. A white suite, a harness and by the way, it is also the only time when it is allowed to play with the private parts in public, as precaution not to end up with a high voice after the job. And finally the BA equipment. So when you are ready to start doing something, you already feel the need to have a break. And even worst is when you suddenly feel the need to relieve yourself. There is no fast way to get all that gear off again.

So, off you go after the second time going to the procedure to put all that stuff on. The first difficulty is trying to get trough that tiny manhole with all the gear you carrying. Flashlight, headphone, work tools and lets not forget that little bottle of emergency air in case your main airline gets entangle or cut off. A good thing I cut back on the consummation of alcohol. Once you have been lowered down, you find yourself cut off from the world. Another reality opens up; it’s amazing how many realities I visited last days. The tank first had to be sucked empty, then all the sludge had to be hoist out and finally the whole area had to be steam cleaned with hot water and detergent. We called it detergent, but in my eyes it works more as an acid.

With no knowledge of the existence off the world above, you start working. It’s amazing how breathing looks so unfamiliar then. You feel and hear yourself sucking on the airline to stay a life, hoping that they above don’t forget to check the pressure on the air bottles. You suddenly look up from the walls of the tank and no longer find yourself in a steel tank. You find yourself again in another reality. A beautiful environment only existed out of fog. You only see and almost can touch the fog build up by the steam. Just for a sec you forget about your breathing, before you start sucking even harder on the airline.
After a long hour, rules are you are not allowed to stay longer in hostile environment then 1 hour and have to have a break for 30 minutes before going again. It’s time to try to struggle back to the cable that supposed to lift you trough the manhole that supposed to be somewhere above you in that enormous foggy tank. It’s a good thing there are only two ways to go, forward or backwards, to the left and right would mean that I could walk up the curved walls of the tank. 50% chance you make a good choice, more then you got in the world above.

Once you find the lifting hook you are ready to go up again, squeezed to that tiny hole again and hoping that the world you are going to is not changed, or maybe is.

Monday, 3 May 2010


Not abducted yet and still not bitten by a snake. I’m still walking around, and working for a living in Yulara. Not the most interesting time of my life the last months, so maybe that’s why I’m neglecting my blog a bit.
But here I am, posting just thoughts not realities. (maybe they are)

The lonely isolation in the middle of the red centre is starting to have an effect on me. Escaping in fantasy novels, where I’m fighting dragons and being able to rescue the horny princess. Living a life full of adventure and dangers, winning wars and fights without even a single wound. How wonderful is this life.
My virtual world on the internet is my trustful companion for the last months. And what a world this it.

A world still at war with everything and everyone. A reality where there are no truths and no lies. A ying and yang situation. Websites where the pope has 5 children and three wives. A world with governments denying the existence of extraterrestrials, while government’s employees and well known scientists like Steven Hawkins explain there are alien forms somewhere and around us.
A world terrorised by earthquakes, floods and natural phenomenal that cause financial and economic problems around the world, and let’s not forget the human pain they cause. This all to the delight of the 2012 fanatics, who are preparing for the end of the world according Nostradamus, Inca’s, bible, Chinese and Islamite prophesies.

A world where the moon landing was a hoax to propaganda the superior knowledge of US humankind in time of the cold war with Russia, the discovery of the secret chamber and his treasures under the feets of the sphinx is hidden for the general knowledge. And while we talking about our history, the discovery of Noah’s ark. The whereabouts of the long forgotten superior civilisation Atlantis. Maybe its all useful now, we got the plans to build a new boot to sail to0 a new future at the underground city for the coming disaster in 2012.

A world where ghost walk among us, the dead are communicating with us. People read minds and speak with no words. Deceased people born again to finish the seven faze before dissolving in pure energy (if they lived the “good”? live). A virtual world with no rules, no certainties. Even 1+1= 2 can be written as 1+1=11, or 1+1= 3, or 1+1= 0.

Yep, it definitely has an influence on me. I’m specializing now in reading my own future, the ghost are telling to choose my tarot cards while they explaining how my future will look like in Atlantis.

All by all, my reality here in the garden of eve, with the rescued horny princess is not so bad.