I promised just to sacrifice one post about work. Humans don’t have to be confronted in their free time again with work. Most of the time that we are on this planet is already dedicated to work.
But I couldn’t leave my returning readers in the unknown. A month a half with no post, no boring story about life in the Promised Land. Maybe I was even somewhere lost in the red centre, desperate looking for a few drops of water. Maybe I was served as some food for a hungry predator. Strangled by a snake or attacked by a colony of redbacks. Or abducted by some female aliens and taken to a far far away planet, to live a life as a sex toy for their pleasures.

Work, work and work. After the wonderful break of Easter it was back again raw realty. The house full of strange male contractors. Drinking beer and having Barbies. It’s a strange thing. After living the live of a monk in isolation for a couple of months. Having the castle for myself and my close pets, it’s hard to be confronted with the strange behaviour of the human kind. It looks like how remoter you go how remoter you wanna go. Even short visits to Alice feels like entering a strange world struggling with overpopulation and there strange side effects. Considering that I came from a small cattle station with a population of ten million people, it’s really strange to feel that kind of thoughts taking over. I’m gonna stop about my lonely philosophical thoughts. All by all this is free time, so it has to be easy literature for everybody.
So what did I do that month a half? Work, work and work. 11 hours, day after day. No painting, no camping, just work. Starting to wear long paints, beanie, double t-shirts. Indeed, winter in

The physical labour to wear my Eskimo outfit, working daily in a swamp and overpopulation of human nature behaviour in my once remote paradise made me flee. Flee towards a warm hot weekend and made me writing this post on an early morning sitting on a warm terrace enjoying a beautiful sunrise in the tropical harbour city Darwin , preparing my body and mind to go back to my once remote and my own strange human behaviour in Yulara.