I reckon that some of my frequent readers are wondering what the bloody hell I’m working at in this town of 3001 residents.
So this is a post, only one, dedicated to my daily work. And its gonna be a short one. I’m up here for three months now, and my activities are handrails, canopies, handrails, concrete slabs, handrails, bollards, handrails, concrete steps, handrails, gates and handrails. So I think you got the picture by now. Happily I can say that the handrails are finished and soon there is another big project coming, building a house. All kind of stuff is weekly arriving with the truck, so it’s a gathering of all kind of stuff in the backyard, gyproc, timber, beams, purlins, etc.

How this all works? Mostly they send a guy up here for three weeks, who’s my slave, oeps, sorry, workmate. It’s sometimes handy to have a third hand, just to hold things or let him do the work while you have a break. We work around 10 at 11 hours a day, seven a week in 42 degrees, so you can imagine that I’m almost looking like a black fellow, only my accent needs a bit of work. After those weeks, they fly my workmate back to Alice or I drive back to capital city to pick up gear and bring another third hand back to Yulara.
And it’s always nice to be back in Alice because work provides me with a hotel and a nice Jacuzzi till I jump back in the truck for a 5 hour long drive to my precious rock.

After digging 137 holes, mixed 6,5 ton of concrete, weld 94 pipe connections, bend 63 pipes in different angles, used 125 liter of yellow paint, I thought I could take it a bit more relax. So the last two weeks, because I worked on my own, no more workmate, I work 9 hours a day, 5 and a half a week till the complete house arrives. And that will be soon.