I know!

Not that many post last months. Mea culpa.
The only excuse I have is that I went on a holiday. Three weeks of travelling, relaxing, swimming in croc country, spending nights accompanied with thousands of mozzies , tasting a Belgium beer, rescuing foreign tourists bogged with there brand new rental fourby ,swimming in thermal pools covered with bat sh#%t and driving the Stuart highway on the right side of the road.
My holiday started by driving a 2000 k from Yulara to Darwin, in two days. A drive where 25 k are trough towns and all the rest just pure wild nature. Putting the swag out next to snakes and spiders to have a rest and hitting the road again. Arriving in Darwin with a car full of empty beer cans, you can’t be dehydrated in the dessert, you have the drink at least 2 litres of liquid an hour. There it was just a matter of a few hours and my sister would fly in.

Our holiday started. We spend a few days in Darwin city. After catching up, being notified of the best gossip of Belgium, yes, now I know what’s happening there in Belgium, spending a day with jumping crocs, seeing one of the many lost cities, relaxing in majestic waterholes at Lichfield, it was time to hit the road again.
Kakadu, next stop. First night back in the wild, struggling an hour, accompanied with thousand of interested mozzies wondering what was going on, to get the mozzie dome up. Viva nature. We spend a week exploring the park. Saw every waterfall, what was left over after dry season anyway, did a sunrise boot cruise between sleeping predators and birds drying there wings in the upcoming sun. Walking, no better said, jumping from rock to rock, to get to plunge pools and to cool down.

Back to the Stuart, Katherine. A relaxing canoe trip in the gorge. Having a relax beer (dehydration) while my sister was working the canoe trough the gorge. With on the end a nice cool down in the water and a rescue of the precious hood of an over confident tourist stepping out his canoe, miscalculating the depth and disappearing under water.
Next stop, Mataranka, with the flying barras and thermal hot springs, one of them better known as bat springs. From there, we drove up the savannah way, direction east. A 500 k of dirt road was waiting for us. Away of all the caravans, civilisation and meeting only die hards on the way trough. Stops like Loretta springs and the famous Heartbreak hotel, all provided with some kind of pool. Our first priority to pick a spot to camp. Our way was directed by plunge pools, thermal pools, swimming pools, beer pools and waterholes.

Another swimming pool, Daly Waters, a pub were my sister left her own mark on the Ozzie map. A stop at devils marbles and back to a swimming pool. Wycliffe well, UFO capital of Australia. We missed our night, a few days later the aliens did visit our camping spot. Probably die hard fans of Elvis, yes,he`s still alive. After a relax drive of 5348 k my sister arrived for the second time in “no place like Alice". A few days to relax with Luke and byanka. Visiting the 4 and 5 last highlight of the desert town and nights to remember. Being licked and attacked in the middle of the night by two girls, another dream that became reality. Neddy and Min Min, two delicious puppy staffies.
Time to hit the backroad to my temporary home. Driving on the Merinie loop, a road trough the west mc Donnels. Highlights like Standley Chasm, Simpson Gap, Ormiston, Ellery and all kind of gaps. After a free camp night and magnets at Glen Helen, a stop at Kings Canyon.

Ayers rock, Yulara, Ulurru or what ever other names they have, I was back at work. My sister played the perfect host, her last week in the Land of Oz; she introduced the contractors to Belgium food. Scared the tourist on the road while driving the company car. Infiltrating as a tourist, to have a swim at the 5 star hotels.
Yep, my sis would do well here in Oz country.